The Vision Statement:
The BHDG vision statement to which the organisation will aspire:
“To inspire change through which we will enhance the quality of life and care for the community of Brookhouse and its surrounding areas.”
The Mission Statement:
The mission statement of BHDG is:
“To actively engage with the community to offer specialist practical support, provide positive interventions and create personalised programmes to improve the quality of life and care for all.”
The Core Values:
In realising the vision and mission statement, the following core values are adhered to:
Our volunteers and members have an empathic attitude through which they are able to liaise with all members of the community regardless of age, gender and orientation. It is through this relationship BHDG engages with the community in order to conduct regular needs analyses.
We ensure our team is professional both in approach and support provided. This is developed through organised training sessions and relevant certification.
When offering our services, we treat every client/ community member as an individual appreciating their strengths and building on weaknesses. We identify and implement strategies based on this personal approach.
In order to aid timely progression, our members ensure that all targets are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. This approach, along with constructive partnerships means we are able to deliver specialist help and support.
Strategic Aims:
To help achieve the vision we have set four key strategic aims to be pursued through 2015 – 18. They are:
- To actively engage with the community of Brookhouse and surrounding areas to identify community needs and develop support packages.
- To establish and maintain positive relationships with other organisations.
- To ensure there is a sound financial outlook, an accountable governance structure and systems that have been implemented.
- To create awareness of BHDG and its activities to help increase demand for projects securing the sustainability of the organisation.
- To secure a volunteer base that will allow successful delivery of projects.